Die Nachlassverwaltung hat Fragen zum neuen „Scream“-Projekt ebenso zu Neverland, unveröffentlichter Musik und mehr beantwortet. In Berlin fand kürzlich die offizielle Release-Party statt.
Das neue Michael Jackson Album „Scream“ hier bei CeDe.ch oder bei Amazon.de als CD. Die Vinyl-Ausgabe auf farbigen Tonträgern erscheint Ende Monat und kann bei CeDe.ch oder bei Amazon.de vorbestellt werden.
In Berlin feierten am 13. Oktober rund 1000 Fans das Release mit einer von Sony Music organisierten Party, an der es auch Thriller 3D und Ghosts zu sehen gab. Der Event war einer von sechs weltweiten Sony-Veranstaltungen zum Scream-Release. Hier Infos und Fotos: 1000 Fans zelebrieren den King of Pop in Berlin.
Die Meldung von der Nachlassverwaltung zum Album und den Gewinnern vom Gewinsspiel nachstehend. Der in der Meldung aufgeführte Link führt zu Antworten zu häufigen Fragen der Fans. Darunter sprechen sie auch unveröffentlichte Musik an und relativieren kürzlich publizierte Aussagen, wonach sie keine weitere Musik veröffentlichen würden.
Hello MJFam!
We’ve got two bits of good news for you this week. The first is that the Estate has decided to add a new feature to MichaelJackson.com providing answers to some of the frequently asked questions that we receive. For example, many people have asked us how the Estate decided to create Scream and Michael Jackson’s Halloween.
Here is the answer:
The Scream album and the animated Halloween special were inspired by Michael’s love of Halloween and animation as well as the public interest every October in Thriller. Michael Jackson’s Halloween and the Scream album are intended to serve as the first part of a slate of Halloween releases to take place in future years – we love the idea of Michael Jackson dominating Halloween!
Scream is meant to be a playlist that will return to streaming services each October and there may also be special collector vinyl and CD releases like this year’s glow in the dark vinyl that could include other content or surprises as well.
Similarly, Michael Jackson’s Halloween is intended as an annual release, like the animated Charlie Brown holiday specials, ultimately being broadcast in most countries around the world each year. Though while not intended to compete with the $100 million + budget animation theatrical films, the quality of this amination exceeds anything that’s on television. It is meant for family viewing and to attract new fans. As importantly, it offers an opportunity to hear Michael’s music in an entirely new way and to share one of Michael’s own guiding principles – believe in yourself and follow your dreams – in a fun and entertaining way. Just as in Ghosts, Michael plays many parts and appears in multiple disguises to help two millennials, Vincent and Victoria, both of whom are struggling with this very issue, including as a stylized, superhero version of himself that fits in this magical world. It is not meant to be a true representation of the actual person but rather a magical character that belongs in the world that has been created. We recommend watching the program with a great stereo and the volume turned up.It is also a showpiece to allow Hollywood film and TV directors and global merchandisers to experience how effectively Michael’s music can be used to drive a story.
The Halloween take-over doesn’t stop there! We know everyone will enjoy the new short films, “Blood on the Dance Floor 2017” and “Blood on the Dance Floor X Dangerous” that feature Michael’s footage from his original short films in new and fresh ways. And next year, we intend to add a release of “Thriller 3D” or “Ghosts 3D” in movie theaters around the world as part of the annual celebration.
These projects, and others that may be added in subsequent years, when taken together will help introduce Michael to new generations of fans and help parents introduce Michael to their children. For example, we heard of a fan who played “Torture” for his wife which led to her wanting to hear more Michael and Jacksons music. While we are happy to know that fans are enjoying the album, anecdotes like this mean we are also finding new fans!
The initial batch of Q&As is now on the FAQs page where more will be added in the future. You can check it out: http://michaeljackson.com/michael-jackson-faq
Furthermore, we are ready to announce the winners of the Scream Pre-order contest!
Thank you SO much for participating in the Estate’s exclusive pre-order contest. We received hundreds of entries from Michael’s most dedicated fans, and we are thrilled to announce the winners of the contest, all of whom have already been notified.
Congratulations to:
Sarah H. – UK
Maria Amelia M.- Brazil
Wendy C.- Canada
Alessia A. – France
Giul S., – Italy
and our grand prize winner, who will be attending the SCREAM party in Los Angeles on October 24, Omar R. from the US!
We hope everyone is enjoying SCREAM!
The Official Online Team of The Michael Jackson Estate™