Adrian Grant erhält „Image Award“

25. Oktober 2017

Für den Erfolg von „Thriller Live“ hat Adrian Grant den „Image Award“ der „Black British Business Awards“ gewonnen. Herzliche Gratulation! Neben dem Musical hat er seit 1988 einiges mehr für die Fan-Welt geleistet…

Im Jahr 1988 gründete Adrian Grant das britische Michael Jackson Fanmagazin „Off The Wall“. Im Jahr 1994 erschien die erste Ausgabe seiner Michael Jackson Biografie, die mehrmals erweitert und 2010 unter dem Namen „A Visual Documentary 1958 – 2009“ neu erschien. (hier auf oder

Die chronologische und von Michael autorisierte Biografie gibt es auch auf Deutsch: Hier auf oder


Als Organisator vom „MJ Day“ schaffte es Adrian Grant sogar, Michael Jackson im Jahr 2001 als Gast an der Fan-Party dabei zu haben, als diese bereits zum 10. Mal stattfand.

Seit dem Jahr 2006 ist sein Thriller Live“ Musical auf Erfolgstour. Das Musical begeistert die Zuschauer noch immer in ganz Europa und erzählt Michaels Erfolgsgeschichte in packender Form. La Velle Smith Jr. war als Choreograph involviert. (Hier unser Interview mit ihm.) Das Musical „Thriller Live“ kehrt im April 2018 in die Schweiz zurück. Über Ticketcorner gibt es Tickets für die Shows in Basel und Zürich.

Zur Ehrung an den Black British Business Awards 2017 schrieb der gerührte Adrian Grant auf Facebook:

Honoured to have won the Image Award at the Black British Business Awards 2017 for setting a record of excellence and making a lasting, significant and positive contribution to the standing of people of African and Caribbean heritage in Britain for the show I created, THRILLER LIVE and work with Michael Jackson.

Thank you to organisers, judges and everyone at #TheBBBA for the award and putting on such a brilliant and inspirational event.

For those who are wondering why the need for a Black British Business Award take a moment to reflect on these stats. Britain’s most powerful elite is 97% white. Barely 3% of Britain’s most powerful and influential people are from black and minority ethnic groups. Those numbers betray a grotesque disconnect with the composition of the UK population, almost 13% of which has a minority background (source – The Guardian).

So in short, there is something stopping many black and minority ethnic groups making it through to top positions in companies across Britain. That needs to change and the Black British Business Awards are helping to do that by shining a light on some incredible BAME talent – from doctors, scientist and engineers to designers, publicists, bankers and business owners. These are the people that can inspire the next generation to follow a career path they may not have thought possible or to start their own company.

When I started working for myself nearly 30 years ago my role model was Richard Branson. My other inspiration was John Barnes, but I wasn’t that good at football, so it was an easy choice to go into business. But I am proud now that my journey can help inspire other young people to follow their dreams.

Thank you to everyone involved with Thriller Live from the creative and production team to all the crew and cast. Over the past 11-years the show has given an opportunity and work to over 500 different people, and created long lasting relationships. Most of all thank you to Michael Jackson for giving me the opportunity to promote his legacy around the world via the show, the books, MJ Days and first of all the magazine, ‚Off The Wall‘, where it began in 1988.
