Das Studio-Seminar in Zürich

1. Dezember 2022

Es gibt noch letzte Tickets für das „In The Studio with Michael Jackson“ Seminar von Brad Sundberg in Zürich. Am Freitag-Abend, 9. Dezember, und Samstag, 10. Dezember, bietet sich dir eine geniale Gelegenheit um exklusive Storys und Sounds aus den Studio-Sessions Michael Jacksons und von Neverland zu hören.

Weitere Infos – auch zu den ersten Eindrücken von der Thriller 40 Doku:

Tickets für beide Tage oder nur einen, sind unter https://inthestudiowithmj.com erhältlich.

Die Events in finden im SAE Institute an der Buckhauserstrasse 24 in Zürich Altstetten statt.

Vor einigen Jahren hatten wir ein Interview mit Brad Sundberg geführt.

Wir von jackson.ch haben bereits einige dieser immer wieder etwas anders gestalteten Events besucht und waren jedes Mal begeistert. (Und finden es schade, werden solche Anlässe nicht auch von offizieller Seite her durchgeführt, solange die Wegbegleiter Michaels noch leben.)

Immerhin: Die Uraufführungen der neuen Thriller Doku in London und Los Angeles haben die Fans begeistert. Offenbar haben sie aber noch keine finale Fassung gesehen. Der Film enthalte jede Menge unveröffentlichtes Video- und Audio-Material Michaels. (Hier ein kurzer Ausschnitt auf YouTube.)

Brad Sundberg freut sich darauf, dich bald persönlich begrüssen zu dürfen. Er schreibt:

Zurich – December 9/10


Can I be honest? I genuinely miss you guys! For reasons I will explain in just a few seconds it feels like I am suddenly on a remote little island trying to find a raft. But first some fun updates!!

Our recent events in Paris, Madrid and London were all fantastic! What a year it has been!

The Paris event celebrated our ten years of „ITSWMJ“ in grand style at Abbey Road! So many old friends and familiar faces!!

Madrid is always a party waiting to happen, and being able share it with my good buddy Brian Vibberts was amazing! The guests were wonderful, and the venue suffered a last-minute flood (!), but they worked with us and quickly found a smaller yet ideal studio!

Then we returned to London and had another amazing group with guests from 14 countries!! Our own little Small World in one beautiful studio! Again – it was humbling spending a weekend with some many incredible people!

Then a few weeks ago I was invited to the Thriller Night Party at Michael’s Hayvenhurst house in Encino! I brought my buddy Jared Bradshaw and we had an absolute blast! Wanna see? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lmpjjpsjLtA

So… let me tell you a little story.

On February 8, 2013 I got the bright idea to start a little Facebook Page called „In The Studio With MJ“ – nearly ten years ago.

The page was created with the idea of describing and promoting my seminars, which of course are also called „In The Studio With MJ“.

It was all going quite well until about nine days ago when my Facebook page was „Unpublished“ with no reason, except for a hint that it violated Facebook Community Standards.

No details.

No contact info.


Keep in mind Facebook is filled with every manner of opinion, politics, humor, etc., but for whatever reason my G-rated, family-friendly page has been under review for 1.5 weeks and counting.

Facebook is also a sealed environment. There is virtually no one you can talk to, rather I am literally at their mercy.

And so are 25,000 of my page followers.

So it’s a bit frustrating so say the least.

Facebook is how I built my seminars, with more than 220 events behind us. Each one was promoted on Facebook to some degree.

Yes, we have expanded into Instagram and TikTok, but Facebook is where it all started, and to lose contact with so many is really not acceptable.

We are still working on a resolution, but if I could be so bold, I would like to ask a couple favors.

First – if by some amazing chance you have a cousin, an old school friend, a daughter, etc., who works at Facebook or has some inside track, could you please connect them to me? I really feel like I am facing a 1000-foot wall and have no idea how to climb it. Have them drop me a note at inthestudiowithmj@gmail.com.

Second – as this has been a significant setback in our ability to promote our events, would you be so kind as help promote our Zurich and Brussels events on your social media? The MJ Community is very well-connected, loyal and tenacious. We will continue on with our events as planned, but it has been maddening to be cut off from my main promotional avenue.

Now – it has been suggested that we simply start a new Facebook page, and we may have no choice. But I really would prefer to solve this problem rather than running in circles to build a new one. We have worked hard for this brand, and we have done nothing to break any Community Standards.

In the meantime, I am using my Facebook private group page „Brad Sundberg’s Studio Rats“ https://www.facebook.com/groups/639274116109031

as a place to share info, etc. I will let anyone join if they request to do so.

Thank you in advance for whatever you can do!

Keep The Faith –


Weiteres zum Event:

In The Studio With MJ

You know Michael Jackson, but do you really know what it was like to work with him?

I first met Michael in 1984, during a project called „Captain EO“. Little did I know back then that over the next 18 years I would spend countless hours with him working on projects like „Bad“, „Dangerous“ and „HIStory“.

Dance mixes.
Video shoots.
Special projects.
Tour preparations.
Neverland Valley Ranch.

He was my boss.
He was my client.
He was like no one I have met.
His name is Michael Jackson, and I’d like to introduce you to him.
I was Michael’s Technical Director for many years, working side-by-side with him and the team in the studio. During my seminar I take my guests through a music-filled journey, allowing you to come into the studio and hear how these records came to life.

These mammoth projects (including production, tour-prep and countless remixes) took upwards of 16 months each. You will see and hear what it was like to be in the studio with Michael and the team of engineers and producers who created these songs, through a carefully crafted timeline of music, video and behind-the-scenes info. From „Captain Eo“ to „Man In The Mirror“ to „Smile“.

Did Michael drive himself, or show up in a limo?
Why did the projects take so long?
How many were recorded?
Were there special guests?
What were most days like?
Who wrote the songs?

The fast-paced multi-media seminar features many new segments, music and video to bring you into the studio like you never thought was possible.


Join me for a live event like no other: In The Studio With MJ.
Truly a very unique experience for Michael’s fans, as well as those who love music and want to peek “behind the curtain”.