#HonorMJ Kampagne – Update

3. Juni 2019

Hinsichtlich des nahenden 10. Todestages Michael Jacksons, möchte die Nachlassverwaltung eine Kampagne im Zeichen seines gemeinnützigen Engagements starten.

Update: Unter dem Hashtag #HonorMJ kann bis am 25. Juni ein Foto für ein Mosaik eingesendet werden, das dich bei einem selbstlosen Einsatz jeglicher Art zeigt: Pay Tribute To Michael Jackson & His Philanthropic Work By Posting To The Worldwide Photo Mosaic 

Passend hierzu hat „SWG“ einen neuen „They Don′t Care About Us“ Extended-Mix veröffentlicht:

Wobei der Zeitpunkt der Mix-Veröffentlichung eher zufällig mit dem Kampagnestart zusammen fällt. Der Remixer „Single White Glove“ hatte eher die Song-Botschaft auf Michael Jackson selbst bezogen im Sinn. Er schreibt dazu: „Lies run sprints, but the truth runs marathons.” #MJInnocent

Zur #HonorMJ-Kampagne schreibt das Online Team vom MJ Estate:

Hello #MJFam,

As you all know, it is the Estate’s tradition to acknowledge the date of Michael’s passing each year, but not draw too much attention to it as they wish to celebrate Michael’s life, and not dwell on his death. This is also why there is always an Estate organized event on Michael’s birthday for the fans to gather and celebrate and the recognition of the anniversary of his passing remains muted.

We know this year feels more significant, however, as it has shockingly been an entire decade since we lost Michael Jackson. As the 10-year anniversary of Michael’s passing nears, the Estate feels that there is no better way to remember and honor Michael than to pay tribute to his lifelong commitment to helping others and caring for the planet we all share. So the Estate has decided to launch the #HonorMJ campaign which will be announced on Michael’s social media pages on June 4. This is not a fund raising campaign – it’s about how each of us can make a difference in the life of another human being – whether it is someone we know personally or not. While the Estate will offer some examples of things that can be done, it is up to each of you to do what feels right for you as a way of helping make the world better. It can be anything you want it to be that you think reflects Michael’s message. The list of possibilities is endless.

Details for the campaign will be posted as the Spotlight Story on the home page of MichaelJackson.com on June 4, with the simple instructions on how to participate.

We look forward to seeing your images and seeing how each of you choose to honor Michael’s humanitarian legacy. Keep Michaeling.

Quelle: jackson.ch, MJ Online The Official Online Team of The Michael Jackson Estate™