Der technische Direktor von Michaels Studio-Sessions und Neverland-Installateur, Brad Sundberg, hat angekündigt, im April 2019 ein Seminar in Zürich zu planen!
Beim kürzlichen „In The Studio with Michael Jackson“-Seminar in Frankfurt, hat Brad Sundberg den Schweizer Fans auf deren Bitten versprochen, die Möglichkeit eines Events in der Schweiz für das Jahr 2019 zu prüfen. Nun hat er die Tourpläne auf Facebook angekündigt:
What a year 2018 has been!
From Nashville to London to Tokyo to Moscow – to name a few.
So many new friends.
So many new studios.
So many reunions.
A few weeks ago I asked if you could let me know where we should come in 2019, and the response was incredible!
The dates are not finalized, but let me give you a preview of what 2019 is shaping up to look like:
February – Paris
March – Mexico City
March – Miami
April – Milan
April – Zurich
May – Washington DC
June – Los Angeles
July – Gothenburg
August – Seattle
September – Atlanta
October – Vienna
October – Prague
October – Budapest
December – Berlin
January (2020) – Sydney
This is still in progress, and more cities could be added (Orlando, for example), but this is the general plan for next year.
As always, I am grateful for everyone who has been a part of my events: helpers, promotion, guests, etc. ITSWMJ has become a significant part of my life, and I am thankful to everyone who has participated in some way.
I am working on some new ideas for the 2019 shows, and I look forward to seeing you – whether it is your first event or your seventh!
Have a great Christmas and Holiday Season with your friends and family, and I’ll see you in 2019!
Don’t be a Stranger –
Die Idee für die „In The Studio with Michael Jackson“ Seminare entstand, nachdem Brad Sundberg vor einigen Jahren von „Music First“ nach Paris eingeladen wurde.
Hier die 15. „The MJ Cast“ Folge mit Brad Sundberg: