Beim Seminar „In the Studio With MJ“ Ende Juni in Los Angeles, wird auch Neverland-Wartungsleiter Al Scanlan zu Gast sein. Judi Brisse, ehemalige Mitarbeiterin auf der Neverland Ranch, teilte folgende Erinnerungen mit Gastgeber Brad Sundberg:
„I read the article ‘Back to Neverland with Big Al Scanlan’ and I have to say it was the most impressive interview with Big Al! I was fascinated by his story of how he got the job, and by the time I became employed at Neverland, Jan 1993, Al was already fully involved in the maintenance of the amusement park, right across from the theater, which was always my favorite place to be on the ranch. The area of the theater and amusement park carried a very special ‘vibe’, which I didn’t think about til now. But I think it’s where we saw all the children in their greatest joy when at Neverland. I believe it had everything to do with Big Al running the amusement park, who was a consummate professional and as fun-loving as they come! Also, one of the nicest men you will ever meet, and I can see Michael felt the same way! Al is a truly authentic gentleman, whenever you would see him he had a smile for anyone and everyone! I appreciate having known Al for the three years I was there! Wishing him continued happiness in all that he is involved with today.❤️
Brad, there really are NO WORDS that can adequately describe the beauty and excellence of the music systems out at Neverland. I don’t remember ever meeting you there but to find out you were the master creator of all the music there, well it’s beyond an honor! Walking to turn beds down in the guest units early evening, hearing beautiful music emanating from the trees and the flowers through the walkways , it was simply like walking in a total fairyland!! You made my job a magnificent place to work! The music throughout the Ranch was exceptional and Michael knew to hire the best-and that was you! How can all of us that worked Neverland, ever thank you enough! Your time with Michael and setting up all the sound systems throughout the Ranch is legendary!! An honor Sir!
That’s the tip of the iceberg with the sound systems out there! Neverland WAS THE MUSIC!!! I live for perfect sound, having played in bands for years, (although no one ever can come close to Michael’s perfection with sound quality).
Awesome job you and Michael! What a team!!!“
Die ehemalige Neverland-Mitarbeiterin hatte Brad Sundberg privat kontaktiert und ihm obige Zeilen geschrieben. Nach Rücksprache mit ihr, hat Sundberg ihre Erinnerungen nun mit einem Foto ihres „Neverland“-Mitarbeiterausweises auf Facebook veröffentlicht.
Hier der Artikel, auf den Judi Brisse Bezug nimmt.
Auch verwies auf diesen Artikel im Interview mit Brad Sundberg.
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