Unsere Meldung vom 8. Oktober 2011: (vergleiche Newsmeldung zum 9. Prozesstag)
Befragung der LAPD Detectives mit Dr. Conrad Murray.
Einleitende Bemerkungen:
Nachstehend die Niederschrift von jackson.ch gestützt auf die Originalabspielung des Interviews im Gerichtssaal via Live Stream (zum Teil zusammenfassend, zum Teil sinngemäss, zum Teil Wort für Wort; je nachdem, was für die Inhaltsangabe als relevant erachtet wurde und dazu dient, das Interview verständlich wiederzugeben). Zum Teil wurden die Fragen der LAPD Detectives angegeben, zum Teil nur die Antworten von Conrad Murray, da diese selbsterklärend sind bzw. die entsprechenden Fragen implizieren. Teilweise hat Murrays Anwalt, Ed Chernoff, sich ebenfalls geäussert. Dies wurde jeweils angegeben.
Conrad Murray war üblicherweise sechs Tage pro Woche bei Michael zu Hause; am Sonntag hatte er jeweils frei. Nachdem die Proben nach Mitternacht, am 25. Juni, beendet waren, wurde Murray gebeten, zu Michaels Haus zu kommen. Er war da, bevor Michael ankam. Nach der Dusche und nachdem er ihn mit (Aufhellungs-)Creme eingerieben und Michael sich hingelegt hatte, hatte er Probleme einzuschlafen. Murray verabreichte ihm zuerst Beruhingsmittel. Er berichtete dann den Detectives gegenüber, welche Medikamente er über die nächsten Stunden verabreicht hatte und in welchen Dosierungen. Propofol wurde erst am Vormittag ein Thema, nachdem immer noch nichts gewirkt hatte und Michael immer noch hellwach war. Er sagte immer wieder, er müsse unbedingt schlafen, sonst könne er nicht auf die Tour gehen und man müsse die Tour absagen/verschieben. Er müsse schlafen und ausgeruht sein, um performen zu können.
Hier nun, was sich gemäss Conrad Murray (nachfolgend CM) im Laufe des Vormittags — als er Michael Jackson (nachfolgend MJ) Propofol zum ersten Mal ein Thema wurde — bis zum Tod von Michael abgespielt hatte und was die LAPD Detectives sonst noch für Infos von CM erfuhren während des Interviews:
CM: [MJ] said ‚please give me some milk‘.
Detective: What kind of milk? 2 percent?
CM: It’s a medicine. Propofol. A sedative that can also be used as anesthesia. Given in intravenous form. This was about 10:40AM. I asked [MJ] how much Propofol he needs because he would have to be up again at noon (normally) to get to rehearsal. [MJ] said ‚I can’t function, can’t rehearse if I don’t sleep. I have to sleep.‘ I agreed at that time. So I slowly released it to him.
CM: This is the first time I used Propofol. 25 ml. Also used Lidocaine to administer the Propofol. Slowly infused it over 3-5 minutes. The effect took very quickly. He went to sleep.
LAPD.: Did you monitor him?
CM: Yes, I made sure he had oxygen; with an oximeter, a battery-operated device that shows the oxygen level; also, there was a heart-rate monitor.
CM: I gave him Propofol before, but then more because this time he had other agents present in the system. Weight-based the largest amount given him in the drip previously was 50ml.
LAPD: How many times had you given him Propofol? More than 10 times?
CM: Yes , more than 10 times. 30 days a month, roughly. With the exception of three days before his death when I tried to wean him off this medication.
Chernoff to CM: Before employed by [MJ], were you aware he had taken it before?
CM: No, but I was very surprised about his medical knowledge (regarding that drug). He said he also used it in Germany. He never told me he had administered it himself, but that the doctors had allowed him to infuse it himself. I asked him ‚Why?‘ He said ‚I love to do it, to push it in.‘ I would not allow him to do that although other doctors did.
Chernoff to LAPD: He knew how to do it, what it was, how to inject it.
CM: Yes and he knew that this was the only thing that worked for him. I warned him that this was an artificial medium to be put to sleep.
Chernoff to CM: Were you given any other doctors‘ names?
CM: Yes, doctors in Germany. [MJ] came to Vegas in March/April [2009]. He had lots of IV signs in his arms. I asked him what he was getting. He said there was a Dr. Lee who was giving him a special cocktail to flush his system. He said he did not know what. He only remembered one item, an amino acid. I asked [MJ] whether he could ask the doctor what was in the system because I needed to know. His veins were all clocked up. But he had fired her. [MJ] said ‚I got rid of [Dr. Lee] because she was unprofessional. One day, one of my kids was sick and she did not come. So he got rid of her.‘
CM: The reason I mentioned Vegas was because there he mentioned a Dr. Adams. In March/April [MJ] had called me and said he is in town for a show with his kids for one day and he could not sleep. Could I please help him to sleep. I asked him ‚Don’t you have some sleeping medication?‘ He said ‚Nothing works. I tried that already.‘ Then [MJ] asked: ‚What about Diprivan? (That’s another name for Propofol.) ‚Because that works,‘ he said. I told him, ‚But that’s not a medicine. And you have to order it.‘ Then [MJ] said, ‚Do you know this Dr. Adams? David Adams? He gave it to me before in Las Vegas several times. And he walks around with this little bag.‘ I told [MJ] I could not help him. And he said: ‚You can call him. I got his number. Can you call him, doctor to doctor? He would come to this plastic surgeon’s office and he would come there with his little bag.‘ I said, ‚Okay, you can make the call.‘
CM (continuing): It turned out that at that day, the surgeon would not allow [MJ] to use his office unless he would also make a cosmetological procedure (so that he could also make some money). So I called Dr. Adams who said he still had some [Propofol] and also said that Michael loved that medicine. Since the surgeon did not allow him to use his office, I allowed Dr. Adams to use my office where I had monitoring devices. It was about 1PM. Dr. Adams said he would sleep about 5 to 6 hours. So I would come back around 7PM. When [MJ] woke up, he said, he now felt wonderful. [MJ] the said ‚This is divine guidance. When I am on tour, I have difficulty sleeping. When I have trouble sleeping, other doctors help me sleep 15 to 18 hours. How would you like another doctor present on tour? Because this may be too much for you. But I need that rest when I perform.‘
CM (continuing): At that time, I thought I was already employed as his (only) doctor on tour. So I was surprised. When [MJ] suggested the idea to Dr. Adams, the latter asked me ‚What kind of income are you gonna look for? I made over $600’000 in Vegas last year, but if I have to make the trip and give up my practice, I would like to have about $1 to $1.3 million for three years (CM explained that the tour would last one year, but that AEG had already lined up 3 to 4 movies after the tour).
CM (continuing): [MJ] wanted me to be around forever. He also wanted to open a children’s hospital for which he wanted me to work.
LAPD: Okay, let’s go back to 10:50AM on June 25.
CM: He fell asleep. But he was not snoring. Normally, he would be snoring a little bit. I was afraid that he was not deep asleep and would be suddenly wide awake again like at other times.
LAPD: Was [the administration of Propofol] a continuous drip or injected once at the beginning?
CM: A continuous drip. So I monitored him for a longer period and when I felt safe, I left the room to go to the bathroom to release myself and also empty his urine catheter. When I came back, he was not breathing anymore, but his pulse was high (135). I was gone about 2 minutes. I felt for the pulse (which I felt in his femoral region). His body was warm. So I immediately did CPR and mouth-to-mouth. I wanted to resuscitate him before giving him any medication. So I started with chest compressions and then mouth to mouth. I saw his chest rise, then I would switch back to CPR. While I did that I looked at the telephone. None of the telephones in the house work because [MJ] constantly changed his cell phone number. His bed is fairly firm but not firm enough. So I moved one hand under his back. The house is closed. His children are in the house. Anyway, I have my hand under his back. I made sure his chest was rising with deep breath and falling. Because I knew no phones work, to speak to a 911 operator would be to neglect him. I did not want to do that. So I did CPR with my left hand singularly, reached for my cell and called his assistant to come to the bedroom right away. I did not want to call 911 yet because I wanted not to interrupt CPR. I did not have a pulse now. So I lift his leg so that the blood could go back to his heart. I continued CPR. No one came to the door, no one knocked. I quickly took a syringe and inserted Flumazenil, an antagonist to the benzodiazepine agents (like Lorazepam, Propofol etc.). I relased it to his system intravenously. I ran down to the stairs, saw the chef. Finally the security guard, Alvarez, comes and I told him to call 911. The operator asked him questions and I told him to come here as we needed to move [MJ] to the floor to do CPR on the floor. When the ambulance had come, we had pulseless activity, meaning the heart had no activity. You should not (electro)shock the patient in this condition. You have to treat the underlying condition. So I urged [the paramedics] to give him ephedrem, athropine etc. The paramedics never (electro)shocked him — upon my request. I then asked that UCLA transferred the case to me. They wanted to call his death. But I did not want to give up. I loved Mr. Jackson, he was my friend. And I wanted to help him as much as I can. So I continued CPR, chest compression, the IV drip was going. We got to UCLA. We tried for a decent hour. They wanted to give up earlier. But I wanted to give him any opportunity. They decided to give him a balloon pump to pump blood back to the heart. I did not think it would work, but I though they should give it a try. I was wondering why we could not get his oxygen up. We cannot rule out the possibility of pulmonary embolism.
Chernoff: One of the reasons [MJ] was using this drug is because he had a change in drugs three days before (i.e., June 25).
CM: At the time, I said I did not want to call his death. Because I did not know the reason for his death, I recommended an autopsy. I loved Mr. Jackson. I was trying to help Mr Jackson; to wean him off the Propofol. I had not seen any study that someone could be addicted to that agent [i.e., Propfol] as it was normally administered in-patient. Three days before his death, I tried to wean him off Propofol with his knowledge and information. I wanted him to go to sleep naturally. I asked him, ‚When the shows are over, do you want to continue like this?‘ He said, ‚No, I’ll be fine after that.‘ So I started [to get him off Propofol] three days before [June 25]. At that time I started with Lorazepam and Midazolam, which he had used before but not as sole agents. He reluctantly agreed for me to do this. He asked, ‚Will I be able to sleep?‘ I told him, ‚I want you to fall asleep naturally. [MJ] said, ‚But I really want to be able to sleep.‘ And I said, ‚I don’t know if it will work, but let’s try.‘ I didn’t know at that time that he was Propofol-dependent. Apart from some interruptions to sleep, I could get him to sleep (those two nights before June 25). But he wanted to sleep for longer times, 15-18 hours, which was not ideal either. The night before his death, he got the Lorazepam/Ativan only. He reacted very physiological to that. He slept pretty well. He felt a bit groggy the day after, but it was okay. Why he could not sleep on June 25?. Was it because of the medication or because his mind was not shutting down? But what I had to realize was that MJ had a dependency and I tried to wean him off.
Hier unterbrach Richter Pastor die Abspielung und entliess die Geschworenen ins verlängerte Wochenende. Der Prozess wird am Dienstagmorgen fortgesetzt.
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