Die Nachlassverwaltung Michael Jacksons macht Copyright-Verletzungen geltend und betont, dass die Sendung „The Last Days of Michael Jackson“ vom MJ Estate nicht gebilligt sei.
Auf Verlangen von den Anwälten vom MJ Estate wurde bereits ein urheberrechtlich geschütztes Bild aus dem Werbespot entfernt. Des weiteren hat ein Sprecher von ABC News auf die Anschuldigungen reagiert. (Siehe ganz unten in dieser Meldung)
Das TV-Spezial „The Last Days of Michael Jackson“ wird heute in den Vereinigten Staaten auf ABC ausgestrahlt. (Wir berichteten hier)
Das Statement hierzu vom MJ Estate:
„We want consumers to know that The Last Days of Michael Jackson, a television special airing on ABC TV (a subsidiary of The Walt Disney Company) tomorrow May 24, is not sponsored or approved by the Estate of Michael Jackson. It is particularly disheartening that Disney, a company known to strongly believe in protecting its own IP rights, would choose to ignore these rights belonging to the Estate.
ABC was using a copyrighted photo and silhouette image owned by the Estate in the trailers and promotional material for the special. Only after notice from our attorneys to ABC News indicating they were infringing on our IP rights were the materials removed. We are told ABC intends to use music and other intellectual property owned by the Estate such as photos, logos, artwork, and more in the program itself, without having licensed the rights to any such material. Imagine if this was done with any of ABC’s intellectual property. We believe the special to be another crass and unauthorized attempt to exploit the life, music and image of Michael Jackson without respect for Michael’s legacy, intellectual property rights or his children.“
Ein Sprecher von ABC News hat wie folgt reagiert:
ABC News’ documentary explores the life, career and legacy of Michael Jackson, who remains of great interest to people worldwide. The program does not infringe on his estate’s rights, but as a courtesy, we removed a specific image from the promotional material.”
Weitere Details siehe den Bericht von deadline.com: