MJ Estate kündigt neue Projekte an

16. Januar 2019

Bezug nehmend auf „Leaving Neverland“, unterstreicht die Nachlassverwaltung ihre Aufgabe, Michaels Vermächtnis zu schützen und weiter wachsen zu lassen. Unter den vielen geplanten Projekten sei die Paris Fashion Week Show von Designer Virgil Abloh. Die Einladung für die heutige Modeshow wurde nicht auf Papier, sondern als weisser Handschuh versandt:

Die glitzernde Einladung trägt die Unterschrift von Virgil Abloh und die Worte „There was only one us“. Worte aus einem seiner Gedichte.

Vorgestellt wird die zweite Kollektion, die der Designer für Louis Vuitton kreiert hat. Die Männer-Kleider seien vom King of Pop inspiriert worden…

Hier der Artikel zur heutigen Modeshow in Paris von VOGUE: The Invite To The Louis Vuitton Men’s Show Is A Sparkly Michael Jackson Glove

Die Nachlassverwaltung hat in ihrer neusten Meldung an die Fans weitere neue Projekte angekündigt, von denen wir teils noch nichts gehört hätten:

Hello MJFam:

The past week has been a difficult one for the Estate just as we know it has been for you. We understand that the fans want to see the Estate take public action to stop the documentary screening at Sundance in the coming days but doing so isn’t necessarily the best or only way to counter the actions of these 2 admitted liars and their co-conspirators. The Estate is here to protect and grow Michael’s legacy, and that also means keeping the public focused on his music and the true Michael that we know through projects that will capture the hearts and attention of both fans and the general public.

In the coming weeks, the Estate will be sharing information about several partnerships that celebrate Michael’s life, art, and enduring influence – some are partnerships that the Estate has already told you about and others that have been in development and not yet acknowledged publicly. The first is the reveal of the invitation to Virgil Abloh’s Paris Fashion Week show, which was a single, sparkly glove, inspired by Michael. Read more about it in this piece on Vogue, which also says „The late, great Michael Jackson is set to be honored this Thursday in Paris…Jackson will be honored by one very high-profile, very pop culture–obsessed designer at the Fall 2019 menswear shows. Back in December, Virgil Abloh announced that his second collection for Louis Vuitton as artistic director of men’s would be inspired by the man who gave us Thriller, “Smooth Criminal,” and the moonwalk.”

Read the rest of the story here. In addition to your efforts to publicly shame HBO, Channel 4, Sundance, and the filmmakers for making such a vile documentary, spreading news focusing on Michael’s legacy will help combat the impact and help shift the focus where it should be. The Estate is working to do the same.


The MJ Online Team

Copyright © 2019 The MJ Online Team on Behalf Of The Estate of Michael Jackson, All rights reserved.
Quelle: Instagram.com, vogue.co.uk, MJOnline The Official Online Team of The Michael Jackson Estate™