Statement zur Premiere von „Leaving Neverland“

26. Januar 2019

Die Nachlassverwaltung hat mit einem Statement zur Uraufführung von der umstrittenen Dokumentation am Sundance Festival reagiert. Sie sprechen die Behauptung von den Filmmachern an, dass es nicht um Geld gehe, während es jedoch seit Einreichung der Zivilklage im Jahr 2013 um Millionen ging. (Ein Anwalt der beiden angeblichen Opfer, kündigte kürzlich an, Berufung gegen die Zurückweisung der Klage einzulegen.)

Auf „Variety“, hinterliess die Nachlassverwaltung folgendes Statement, in dem sie auch bestätigen, dass Wade Robson sich nach Michael Jacksons Tod um eine Rolle in der Cirque du Soleil Show „One“ bemühte, diese jedoch nicht erhielt.

Betreffend des Hinweises, dass Wade Robson Michael Jackson auch nach seiner entlastenden Aussage im Arvizo-Prozess 2005 und nach Michaels Tod, öffentlich verteidigte, ist hinzuzufügen, dass Robson sogar einen Beitrag „My Mentor“ im 2009 erschienenen „Michael Jackson Opus“ schrieb. (Bei allem Respekt vor verdrängten Erinnerungen und der Komplexität von Kindsmissbrauch – irgendetwas stinkt hier gewaltig.)

Hier ein Artikel von der „New York Post“, die mit zwei Frauen sprach, die MJ am Sundance Filmfestival verteidigten:

Michael Jackson Movie at Sundance Draws Protesters: 2 to Start With

Statement vom MJ Estate:

“Leaving Neverland” isn’t a documentary, it is the kind of tabloid character assassination Michael Jackson endured in life, and now in death. The film takes uncorroborated allegations that supposedly happened 20 years ago and treats them as fact. These claims were the basis of lawsuits filed by these two admitted liars which were ultimately dismissed by a judge. The two accusers testified under oath that these events never occurred. They have provided no independent evidence and absolutely no proof in support of their accusations, which means the entire film hinges solely on the word of two perjurers.

Tellingly, the director admitted at the Sundance Film Festival that he limited his interviews only to these accusers and their families. In doing so, he intentionally avoided interviewing numerous people over the years who spent significant time with Michael Jackson and have unambiguously stated that he treated children with respect and did nothing hurtful to them. By choosing not to include any of these independent voices who might challenge the narrative that he was determined to sell, the director neglected fact checking so he could craft a narrative so blatantly one-sided that viewers never get anything close to a balanced portrait.

For 20 years, Wade Robson denied in court and in numerous interviews, including after Michael passed, that he was a victim and stated he was grateful for everything Michael had done for him. His family benefitted from Michael’s kindness, generosity and career support up until Michael’s death. Conveniently left out of Leaving Neverland was the fact that when Robson was denied a role in a Michael Jackson themed Cirque du Soleil production, his assault allegations suddenly emerged.

We are extremely sympathetic to any legitimate victim of child abuse. This film, however, does those victims a disservice.  Because despite all the disingenuous denials made that this is not about money, it has always been about money – millions of dollars — dating back to 2013 when both Wade Robson and James Safechuck, who share the same law firm, launched their unsuccessful claims against Michael’s Estate. Now that Michael is no longer here to defend himself, Robson, Safechuck and their lawyers continue their efforts to achieve notoriety and a payday by smearing him with the same allegations a jury found him innocent of when he was alive.

Im Statement an die Fans respektive MJ-Webseiten, schreiben sie zudem:

To the worldwide MJ Fan community:

As some of you may already be aware, last night the Estate issued the following response to the salacious fantasy that premiered at the Sundance Film Festival:

(Statement, siehe oben)

The Estate has heard from many of you inquiring about what further actions the Estate will take. The Estate is continuing to explore its options in exposing the obvious bias and agenda of the filmmaker in telling the story of these two admitted liars.

Thank you all for your continued support for Michael’s legacy, and for everything you are doing online to educate people on the truth about Michael Jackson. We’re all in this together for Michael.


The MJ Online Team

The Official Online Team of The Michael Jackson Estate™

Die Pressekonferenz nach der Filmvorführung vom ersten Teil der Doku:
