Brad Sundberg stellt ein Buch für Bruce Swedien zusammen, in dem die Fans Swedien für die wunderbaren Songs danken können, die er für MJ gemischt hat. Sundberg selbst kommt Ende Juni für einzigartige Seminare nach Köln, wo er über die Studio-Sessions mit dem King of Pop erzählt. Exklusiv mit dabei: Michaels engster Kollaborateur seit den 90er, Brad Buxer!
Bruce Swedien, der langjährige Toningenieur von Michael Jackson und Quincy Jones (unter vielen anderen), hatte kürzlich einen Unfall, worauf ihn Brad Sundberg im Spital besuchte – Swedien sei in guter Verfassung. Nun möchte er den legendären Soundtechniker mit einem Buch überraschen und fragt bei den MJ Fans nach, wer Lust habe, mitzumachen. Eine Erinnerung, ein spezielles Erlebnis, irgendetwas in Zusammenhang mit einem MJ Song (Bruce hat so gut wie alle abgemischt…), darf an ihn gemailt werden. Wenn möglich bereits bis am 9. Juni.
Hier Brad Sundbergs Nachricht auf Facebook:
A Chance To Say Thanks To A Living Legend
Greetings Everyone!
I have some news to share with you, and I want to read this post very carefully as I have an idea that needs your participation.
My dear friend Bruce Swedien fell last week and broke his hip, requiring major surgery. I visited him in the hospital yesterday and he is doing very good and on the road to recovery. He is in very good hands, but he will have a painful recovery ahead. To be clear: He looked and sounded great, and is in good spirits.
He and I swapped many stories and laughs about Michael, Quincy and the countless projects we worked on, and it was great being able to spend time with him and Bea.
I was driving home and thinking about the impact that he has had on so many people, based on his incredible ability to make music sound amazing. From the Chi-Lites to Quincy Jones to Barbra Streisand to Michael Jackson, Bruce Swedien helped forge their sound. From the drum sounds on „Billie Jean“ to the Andre Crouch Choir on „Man In The Mirror“ – no makes music sound better than Bruce Swedien.
Take a look at his partial discography –
So I came up with this crazy idea, and I hope you will consider being a part of it. (And please – if you are in direct contact with Bruce – try not to say anything about this as I want it to be a surprise).
I want to give you a chance to write Bruce a thank you note. I want to give you a chance to share a memory about a favorite song he worked on, or how a song had an impact on your life. Maybe draw a picture or take a photo or write a poem – it’s up to you. If you want to write it in your native language – that is fine!! I think that would make the book even more interesting.
It can be as long or as short as you like. This is not about me, it is not about my seminars – this is about Bruce, and his amazing gift of recording, mixing and producing music. I want to present him with a book of notes, letters, poems, photos and drawings from you.
Now – listen carefully please. I think it would be really cool if they were hand-written and scanned, instead of a stack of printed emails. I want them to reflect your personality, your love of music, your country, your traditions, and your love and respect for Bruce.
I opened a gmail account this morning to receive your notes. They will come to me and I will print and deliver them next week.
Does that make sense? This is a small way that you can say „Thank You“ to a pioneer in the music world, a living legend and a good friend.
Please send your notes, drawings and photos (preferably as PDF or jpg attachments) to:
PLEASE mention where you are from and a something about yourself if you like.
Please try to send them by Tuesday, June 9th. I will then print them up and deliver them to Bruce and Bea next week.
Please do not send them to my facebook page or my „In The Studio“ account.
Please feel free to share this post on your page, on fan pages, groups, etc.
I know your notes will be respectful and fun, and I can’t wait to see what you come up with!
Thanks in advance for working on this project with me, and keep Bruce and Bea in your prayers. They are an amazing couple, and his talent has touched countless music lovers around the globe.
Have a great week – and Keep The Faith!
Brad Sundberg